Confirm server failure / check

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Confirm What is more annoying than being informed about a known problem even though you are already working on troubleshooting?

In this case, you can now confirm checks in order not to receive any further alarms.

If there is a failure that has not yet been confirmed, you can find this option on the test page and switch off other alarms. In contrast to "Silence", the alarm is reactivated when the status of the test changes.

So if a failure has been detected, you can confirm it - but if the test status is successful again, a newly detected failure will be alerted again immediately.

The confirmation of a failed test prevents you from receiving further messages about the same failure.

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Here we answer questions about server monitoring from Livewatch. If you have a question that we have not yet answered here, please contact us.

What is Telegram?

Telegram is a messaging platform known for its focus on privacy and security. The app was developed by brothers Nikolai and Pawel Durov and was first released in 2013. Telegram offers a variety of features for communication, including individual and group chats, file and media sharing, voice messaging, and the ability to learn about specific topics in so-called "channels."

Some features of Telegram include:

  1. End-to-end encryption: End-to-end encryption is enabled by default in the so-called "secret chats". This means that only the users involved can decrypt the contents of the messages.

  2. Self-destructing messages: Secret chats allow users to set messages to be automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

  3. File Sharing: Telegram allows sharing of all types of files, including photos, videos, documents and locations.

  4. Bot API: Telegram provides an API for developers to create bots capable of performing automated actions in chats.

  5. Channels: Channels are public broadcasts where users can post and subscribe to information about specific topics or interests.

  6. Cross-Platform Availability: Telegram is available on various platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and as a web application.

It is important to note that although Telegram offers various security features, not all chats are automatically end-to-end encrypted. In group chats, for example, messages are stored on Telegram's servers by default to enable synchronization between different devices. Users should be aware of privacy settings and, if necessary, use secret chats for particularly sensitive conversations.

What is Mattermost?

Mattermost is a team communication and collaboration service that provides companies and organizations with a platform for team members to communicate in real-time. Here are Mattermost's key features and tasks:

  1. Message Exchange: Mattermost allows users to exchange messages in real time. This can be in the form of direct messages between two people or in group chats and channels.

  2. Channels: Users can create channels to organize discussions. Channels can be topic-based and allow team members to communicate in specific contexts.

  3. File and Link Sharing: Users can integrate files, images and links directly into the conversation. This makes it easier to exchange information and promote collaboration.

  4. Integrations: Mattermost allows integration with a variety of services and tools. This means users can seamlessly integrate information from other applications into their communications.

  5. Self-Hosted and Open Source: Mattermost can be hosted on its own servers, giving companies more control over their data. The platform is open source, meaning users can review, customize, and extend the source code.

  6. Security and Compliance: Mattermost emphasizes security features such as end-to-end encryption, compliance audits, and the ability to work in accordance with industry standards.

  7. Mobile Apps: Mattermost offers mobile apps for iOS and Android so users can access their team communications on the go.

Mattermost is aimed at organizations looking for a flexible and customizable team communication solution, especially when privacy, security and the possibility of self-hosting play an important role. It enables teams to communicate more effectively, share information and work together on projects.

What is Pushover?

Pushover is a mobile notification application designed to send users important alerts, notifications and notifications directly to their mobile devices. The app is designed to provide a simple and reliable method to ensure critical information is relayed to users immediately.

Here are some key features of Pushover:

  1. Custom Notifications: Users can configure Pushover to receive specific notifications from different sources. This can come from apps, services, servers or other applications.

  2. Prioritization: Pushover allows notifications to be prioritized to ensure more important messages are highlighted and displayed faster.

  3. Cross-platform: Pushover is cross-platform and supports iOS, Android and desktop platforms. This allows users to receive notifications on different devices.

  4. API Access: Pushover provides an API that allows developers to integrate into their own applications. This is particularly useful for implementing custom notification scenarios.

  5. Group Notifications: Users can create groups to share notifications with specific user groups. This is useful if you want teams or groups of people to receive similar notifications.

  6. Secure Communication: Pushover uses a secure connection to transmit notifications to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information.

  7. On-call services: Pushover can also be used as part of on-call or incident management processes to immediately notify team members of critical incidents.

Pushover is often used by individuals, developers, IT professionals and companies to ensure important notifications appear immediately on their mobile devices. It provides a simple and effective way to act on important information in real time.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform from Microsoft that integrates with the Microsoft 365 suite and aims to improve collaboration and communication in companies. Originally launched in 2017, Microsoft Teams has become an important tool for virtual collaboration, especially during the rise of remote work.

Key features of Microsoft Teams:

  1. Chat and Messages: Teams provides a chat service that enables real-time communication between users. This includes individual chats, group chats and the ability to send messages, share files and use emojis.

  2. Teams and Channels: Users can create teams for different projects or departments, with multiple channels created within each team for specific topics or projects. This enables a structured organization of collaboration.

  3. Meetings: Teams allows you to conduct video conferences and meetings. It also supports features such as screen sharing, collaboration on documents during the meeting, and the ability to save recordings.

  4. Integrations: Teams is seamlessly integrated with other Microsoft 365 applications such as SharePoint, OneNote, and Planner. It also supports third-party integrations for a wide range of applications.

  5. File Sharing and Collaboration: Teams enables file sharing within the platform. Multiple users can work on documents, provide feedback, and track changes at the same time.

  6. Bots and Automation: By integrating bots, automated tasks and notifications can be integrated into teams to increase efficiency.

  7. Security and Compliance: Microsoft Teams offers security features such as data encryption, identity and access management, and compliance tools.

Areas of application of Microsoft Teams:

  • Team Communication: Teams is ideal for team communication and collaboration, be it in large companies or small groups.

  • Project Management: The platform is good for organizing projects, sharing resources and tracking tasks.

  • Remote Work: Teams is particularly effective in the remote work environment by supporting virtual collaboration and communication.

  • Education: In educational institutions, Teams is often used for virtual teaching, student-teacher collaboration, and delivery of learning materials.


Microsoft Teams has become an integral part of the Microsoft 365 suite, providing a comprehensive platform for teams to collaborate and improve communication across organizations of various sizes. Through integration with other Microsoft applications and continuous development, Teams has achieved a strong position in the world of collaboration platforms.

What is Slack?

Slack is a team communication and collaboration platform that aims to make information sharing in companies more efficient and organized. Originally founded in 2013 by Stewart Butterfield, Eric Costello, Cal Henderson, and Serguei Mourachov, Slack has become one of the most popular team communication tools.

Key features of Slack:

  1. Channels: In Slack, communication occurs primarily through channels. Channels are thematic chat rooms where team members can exchange messages. This enables structured and topic-centered communication.

  2. Messages: Slack supports exchanging text messages as well as sharing files, images, and links. Users can communicate in real time or save messages for later reference.

  3. Integrations: One of Slack's strengths is its ability to seamlessly integrate with a variety of applications and services. Integrations allow users to receive updates from other platforms directly in Slack and complete tasks more efficiently.

  4. Search Function: With a powerful search function, users can easily navigate through all messages, files and channels. This makes it easier to find information and prevents information loss.

  5. Notifications: Users can customize their notification settings to ensure they are notified of important events without being overloaded by irrelevant news.

  6. Security: Slack offers features such as data encryption, two-factor authentication, and the ability to control access to sensitive information.

Areas of application of Slack:

  • Project Management: Teams can organize projects, track tasks and share progress.

  • Collaboration: Slack encourages collaboration by inviting team members to share ideas, edit files, and make decisions.

  • Remote Work: Especially in the era of remote work, Slack has become more important as it facilitates virtual collaboration and communication.

  • Community building: Slack offers a platform for exchange and interaction not only for companies, but also for communities, organizations and groups.


Slack has established itself as one of the leading team communication platforms, valued for its ease of use, flexibility, and comprehensive features. Whether for small teams or large companies, Slack provides a centralized platform to improve information sharing and promote collaboration.

What is Mastodon?

Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform designed as an open source alternative to centralized social networks like Twitter. The name "Mastodon" refers to an extinct group of proboscideans, which is symbolic of the desire for an alternative to large social networks.

Here are some key features of Mastodon:

  1. Decentralization: Unlike traditional social networks, Mastodon is not operated in a centralized manner by a single company. Instead, there are many independent servers (instances) that can communicate with each other. Users can choose their instance or even run their own.

  2. Federation: Mastodon is federated, meaning users on different servers can interact with each other. If you are registered on a Mastodon instance, you can communicate with users from other instances as long as they are part of the Mastodon network.

  3. Chronological Timeline: Similar to other social networks, there is a chronological timeline where users can see posts from those they follow.

  4. Hashtags and Content Warnings: Mastodon supports hashtags to categorize posts, as well as content warnings that allow users to flag sensitive content.

  5. Open Source: Mastodon is open source, meaning the source code is accessible to everyone. This promotes transparency and allows developers to customize the platform as needed.

  6. No advertising: Mastodon is generally financed through donations and voluntary contributions from users. There are no embedded advertising on the platform.

Mastodon has established itself as a platform for users who value privacy, decentralization and an alternative structure to large, commercially operated social networks. It offers users the opportunity to have control over their data and interact in a community composed of different servers.

How quickly will I be informed by messenger in the event of an alarm?

You decide how quickly and how often you will be informed by us in the event of a server failure. When you create a new messenger contact, you specify the times and repetitions of the alert.

Which messenger services are available?

We currently offer the following messenger services: SMS, Mattermost, Telegram, Twitter, Slack as well as Prowl and Pushover. Further messenger providers are planned. If you need a specific provider, please contact our support.