How can I check my DNS records?

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There are different methods to check your DNS records, depending on exactly what information you need. Here are some options:

1. Use commands on the command line:

a. For Windows:

  • Open Command Prompt (cmd).

  • Use the nslookup command. For example:


b. For Linux/macOS:

  • Open the terminal.

  • Use the dig command. For example:


A notice:

Make sure you interpret the review results carefully. If you have made specific changes to DNS records, it may take some time for those changes to propagate worldwide. If you have any doubts or need assistance, it is advisable to contact your DNS provider or network administrator.

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What is a DNS test

A DNS test (Domain Name System Test) is a procedure for checking and assessing the functionality and performance of the Domain Name System (DNS) in a computer network. DNS is a crucial part of the Internet Protocol and is used to convert human-readable domain names into the associated IP addresses that computers use to identify other devices on the network.

There are different types of DNA tests that target different aspects of DNS:

  1. DNS Resolution Test:

    • Checks whether a DNS server is able to successfully resolve a domain name to its associated IP address. This ensures that the DNS servers are correctly configured and working properly.
  2. DNS propagation check:

    • Monitors the propagation of DNS changes across the Internet, especially when it comes to name server updates or IP address changes. Propagation testing ensures that DNS changes are effectively propagated worldwide.
  3. Response time check:

    • Measuring the time it takes a DNS server to respond to a request. Low response time is important to ensure efficient and fast name resolution.
  4. DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) test:

    • Checks whether DNSSEC is configured correctly. DNSSEC adds a layer of security to DNS by digitally signing DNS data, protecting against potential attacks.
  5. DNS Leak Test:

    • Checks whether DNS requests have leaks, especially when using VPNs. DNS leaks can occur when DNS requests are sent outside the encrypted tunnel, potentially revealing sensitive information.
  6. DNS Health Check:

    • Assesses the overall health of the DNS infrastructure, identifying possible problems such as misconfigured DNS records or problems with the DNS servers.

To perform a DNS test, various online tools, web services, or command-line commands such as "nslookup" (on Windows) or "dig" (on Unix-based systems) can be used. These tests are useful for network administrators, website operators, or anyone who wants to troubleshoot DNS connectivity issues.